The day after President Trump and codefendants Gregory Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes won their Philadelphia defamation case on February 28th, 2024, where they used a “truth is a complete defense” strategy to expose massive election fraud. Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro responded by announcing he would partner with federal agencies to target “threats to elections.” Specifically, Shapiro will gag speech he deems “misinformation” with unveiled threats directed at President Trump, and Stenstrom and Hoopes, who have turned the false narrative of the “safest and most secure elections in history” on its head.
Massive Win for President Trump in Pennsylvania Election Fraud Defamation Lawsuit
Shapiro Partners With CISA To Target Election Speech He Deems A ‘Threat’
There is no longer any question of whether there was massive election fraud in the November 2020 presidential election, or in elections since. It is now a matter of public and judicial record that it did occur, and Shapiro was at the vanguard in stealing both the Pennsylvania and national elections.
Election fraud is not the end goal, but the means by which a cadre of career criminals are placed in strategic roles within government to implement wealth extraction from the citizenry.
Left unopposed, Shapiro intends to continue stealing elections. In addition to […]
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In this video Greg Stenstrom reviews election fraud in Delaware County, PA from 2020 thru 2023. 20 counties in the U.S. can change the outcome of the national election.
In their book, The Parallel Election, he and Leah Hoopes discussed how, of the 64 national cases alleging election fraud, 20 were simply dismissed. Of the remaining cases none went into trial. The only evidence allowed to be submitted was a “risk-limiting audit” in which 1-2% of the votes are run through a scanner and compared with a hand count, which only proves that the scanner is working.
In contrast, in a forensic audit, you check into where the ballots came from, which was never done in any of these cases. The bottom line of election fraud is: “They substitute fake ballots for real ballots.”
Greg and Leah’s lawsuit regarding documented election fraud in Delaware County, PA is one of two remaining cases nationwide from the 2020 election which have not been resolved yet.
For more info, go to or
The Way Ahead. A Discussion with Sam Faddis.
Sam Faddis, president of the Pennsylvania Patriot Coalition, discusses the problems with our electoral system and why “mail-in” voting needs to be abolished, not expanded.