Meet & Greet the Candidates – Saturday, April 29
DOCKET NO. 244 M.D. 2021 | McLinko Vs Pennsylvania
On January 28, 2022 the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania found in favor of the plaintiff in Doug McLinko vs Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In short, “no excuse” mail-in balloting has been found unconstitutional in Pennsylvania. Bradford County, Pennsylvania commissioner Doug McLinko is the lead plaintiff along with several state representatives and local GOP county committees who joined the case. The establishment Republicans and Democrats of the state all supported the law to allow the flood of hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots that had a dramatic impact on the 2020 presidential election. That year, Pennsylvania voted for Joe Biden. At least, that’s how it appears. Doug is a principled conservative from rural Pennsylvania, a dedicated public servant for two decades. As the legislature told voters and local elected members of election boards to “sit down and shut up” he chose to fight for our constitutional rights instead. Join his fight to return the ballot box back to the voters. For more info, go to https://ballotsecuritynow.
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Penn Harris Hotel
Camp Hill, PA 17011
- Forming State and Local Election Integrity Task Forces
- Protecting Vulnerable Voters
- Recruiting & Training Election Workers & Poll Watchers
- Citizen Oversight of Voting Software, Equipment & Systems
- Cleaning Voter Rolls
- Understanding Absentee Voting, Recent Court Decisions about No Excuse Absentee Voting in PA, & the Role of US Post Office in Election Mail